Pokemon Altered Emerald

Download Patched Pokemon Altered Emerald Rom

Latest version- Complete (v2.2.7)

Updated on- Oct 20, 2017

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Name: Pokemon Altered Emerald (previously Pokemon Emerald 2)
Hack of: Emerald
Language: English
Creator: luuma
Status: Completed


This is a modified in addition to polished version of Pokemon Emerald. Note that it is non a sequel of whatever sort.


  • Improved difficulty curve
  • All 386 pokemon obtainable
  • Reuseable TMs
  • Physical/Special split
  • Day in addition to nighttime system


  • Ice is immune to Water
  • Dragon is weak to Poison
  • Ghost in addition to Dark are neutral hits on Steel types
  • Constrict straightaway 25 power, grass type, physical, 100% peril to lower speed
  • Sheer mutual frigidity straightaway 25 power, 70% accuracy, 100% peril to freeze
  • Cut is straightaway Bug-type
  • Torkoal is straightaway fire/steel type, Base stats straightaway 70/75/170/75/65/20, learns metallic hook at lv23, rut moving ridge at lv30, stone slide at lv43. crack at lv46
  • Hariyama stats straightaway 154/70/60/100/58/50, learns belly drum at lv4, sand tomb (55 power, special) at lv 22, futurity sight at lv 51, reversal at lv55 which is straightaway a exceptional deed too. Learns feint assault (65 power, special) psychic, in addition to calm hear yesteryear TM
  • Corsola stats straightaway 75/65/115/65/115/25, Spike cannon straightaway H2O type, physical. Learns Disarm yesteryear TM
  • Rapidash straightaway normal/fire type, base of operations assault straightaway 105, ponyta evolves at lv37 now, learns burn spin at lv14, flame bicycle at lv 25, tail whip at lv 29 (10 power) Take Down at lv 33, Fury Attack at lv 37 (flying, 22 power), Blaze Kick at lv 48, bounce at lv 59.
  • Spinda straightaway has 110 base of operations sp.atk in addition to sp.def. Learns psych upward at lv 5, hypnosis at lv 9, feint assault at lv 14, empty-headed punch at lv 18, uproar at lv 23, psybeam at lv 26, every deed named "dance" inwards the game from degree xxx until degree 36, encore at lv 39, boomburst at lv 42, in addition to reversal at lv 50
  • Several degree upward evolutions straightaway occur at dissimilar levels.
  • Vulpix -> Ninetales @lv33
  • Poliwhirl -> Poliwrath @lv36 if atk gt;/= def, -> Politoed if atk < def
  • Kadabra -> Alakazam @lv36
  • Machoke -> Machamp when happiness is maxed
  • Graveler -> Golem @lv30
  • Slowbro -> Slowking @ lv37 if atk gt; def, -> Slowbro if atk </= def
  • Haunter -> Gengar at nighttime (PM) when happiness is maxed
  • Onix ->Steelix @lv39
  • Seadra -> Kingdra @lv42
  • Scyther -> Scizor @lv39
  • Eevee -> Umbreon alongside Luna stone -> Espeon alongside the Lord's Day stone -> Each other alongside their respective stones
  • Porygon -> Porygon2 @lv22
  • Porygon2 -> Porygon @lv23
  • Breed mew for mewtwo
  • Wurmple -> Silcoon @lv6 if atk gt;/= def -> Cascoon if atk < def
  • Feebas -> Milotic when either beauty or happiness is maxed
  • Clamperl -> Gorebyss when happiness is maxed (day) -> Huntail when happiness is maxed (night)

Recommended Pokemon

Girafarig, Banette, Sunflora, Grumpig, Smeargle, Eeveelutions, Porygon, Farfetch'd, Ralts, Cacnea, Roselia, Ariados, Geodude, Baltoy, Spinda, Shedinja, Togetic.




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