Pokemon Flare Red
Download Patched Pokemon Flare Red Version Rom
Latest version- Demo
Updated on- August fifteen 2016

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Name: Pokemon Flare Red VersionHack of: Fire Red
Language: English
Creator: Splash
"FlareRed is a hack which volition completely reinvent the master copy Firered Story"Features
- Green's douchebaggery increased past times 30%
- Moral Compass: in-game decisions volition deport on your gameplay
- Your Moral Compass volition receive upwards one's postulate heed which faction you lot terminate upwards in
- More Rivals
- Items are instantly banned inwards battle
Splash, tonic, Blueshine, Delta, JPAN, Doesntknowhowtoplay, Darthatron, Kurapika, FBI, daniilS, Aethestode, Slowpoke13, Diegoisawesome, Luho, Hackmew, LoveTails, chimcharfireworkdSource/Help/Screenshots
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